What Are The Advantages Of An Intensive Outpatient Treatment Program?

It can be difficult to choose the right type and program for you if drug addiction treatment is something you want. Resident drug treatment programs can be ideal but may not be the best. Because of your family and work schedules, it may be impossible to attend inpatient therapy. A more intensive program may not be appropriate for you due to your addiction. In such cases, intensive inpatient treatment (IOP), might be a more suitable treatment option.

What Is An Intensive Outpatient Program (IOPS)?

Intensive programs for outpatients are designed to fit the patient’s busy life and work schedule. IOP is open to all who are interested. Patients can attend intensive outpatient treatment at least three days a week for a few hours each. As a patient continues to progress in treatment, the sessions can be shortened. Intensive outpatient programs are versatile programs. They can be used after successful medical detoxification. Inpatient treatment is over; intensive treatment programs are available as an option. Like all forms of drug therapy, IOPs can easily be tailored to fit each person’s individual and specific needs.

These Are The Benefits Of Intensive Outpatient Programs

The intensive outpatient program offers many benefits to help you achieve lasting meaningful sobriety.

Lower Costs

For people who have financial difficulties but need intensive outpatient services, they can be a great choice. Outpatient addiction treatment is cheaper than inpatient. Also, it’s easier to manage financially if you are struggling. An intensive outpatient program may be an option for you if inpatient addiction treatment is not possible.

You Can Keep Your Presence At Work And School

Inpatient intensive services allow you to continue your school and work as usual. While intensive outpatient treatment can temporarily affect your ability to carry out your normal responsibilities, most patients can continue their education and work, and even return after treatment.

You Can Support Your Family

IOPs are a great way to help your family. There might be children who you can support or you may not have the ability to take time off work. You can be matched with a staff member of an intensive outpatient center to help you create a treatment plan that fits your busy schedule. Additional services include 12-step support, therapy, and other services similar to residential treatment.

The Ability To Build A Personal Recovery Network

A support recovery group is another advantage to intensive outpatient treatments. IOPs offer you the wonderful opportunity to attend support meetings and meet other people in recovery. Your recovery will be easier if you have regular social contact with your peers. You can share your wisdom and insights with others. Other people can also offer support and guidance whenever you are in need.

Greater Accessibility To Resources

You’ll have greater access to recovery resources if you attend intensive outpatient care. Counselors, psychologists, as well as other recovery personnel, can be reached at the facility. Access to support staff is easier. You can talk to them whenever you need it and receive advice when you feel like you are at risk of relapse. IOP staff will be able to provide support services in the community for you once your treatment is complete.


Outpatient intensive care programs provide more privacy than inpatient. You can choose not to reveal your identity when you enroll in an intensive outpatient course. There is no requirement to share a hospital room with other patients. If privacy is important to the patient, intensive outpatient programs might be an appealing option.

You Are Held Accountable

Being accountable for your actions is one of the most important keys to sustained recovery. You can rely on the support of both your staff and your fellow recovering peers to help you continue your recovery treatment. The importance of having your sponsor, peers who are recovering, and staff to help you with your sobriety is immense. These support people will help you recognize when you are struggling and celebrate your daily successes.